Hi All,
As part of the ongoing improvement of our Club’s website, I have upgraded and restyled our Discussion Forum area.
The journey now starts, when you select “Discussions” from the main menu, at our summary page, which details our 4 Forums, with a nightlight section below which lists the latest Topics.
At the top of the page is a new Forum specific menu, which gives you options to create new topics in each of the 4 Forums. These appear as pop up windows, so avoiding the need to back-track after you create a new topic.
There is a revised Subscription option, top right of each individual Forum. This will opt you into receiving a notification email whenever a new topic or reply has been added.
I’d appreciate your thoughts and feedback (use the Reply below)
If you wish to bring attention to another Club Member in a Topic or a Reply, then use the @mention function. Simply enter the @ character and the first few characters of a Member’s name, or UserName, and suggestions will pop up. Once you’ve completed this, then that Member will receive an email letting them know they have been mentioned in a Topic or Reply.
All the best