Site News : Club Website Launch


Well, I’ve gone and pressed the button, and launched the new Club Website for XJS Soft Top owners and enthusiasts.

I’ve completed a mail-shot out to all of the members of the old Jaguar XJS International Cabriolet Register website contained the following message :

Due to various technical issues and limitations with the International Cabriolet Register website a decision has been taken to move it to a new home.

The new home is to be found at www.xjs-soft-tops

This is a completely new forum that I’ve invested quite a lot of my time over the last few months to get built. I did say when I took over the ICR from John that I’d try my best to breath new life into it, and do what I can to ensure it remained useful to owners of the Jaguar XJS Cabriolet. Over time I have become increasingly frustrated with the technical limitations of the site, due to being hosted on the .NING platform, as it has prevented any practical website development beyond what I managed in 2014/15.

The new website is hosted on a different platform that has many advantages, not least of which is to empower members to reset their own Passwords (The previous host does not even allow Administrators to reset member’s Passwords). I do hope you will take time to log in and look around the website, and hopefully participate in the discussion forums and maybe write an Article or two for members to read.

XJS Soft Tops encompasses owners of XJS Convertibles as well as Cabriolets, which I hope will enable the membership to increase for the benefit of everyone – helping us better to reach out for technical answers etc. The ICR however is being maintained as a community within a community, to enable owners of XJS Cabriolets to discover when and where their car was made, and where it has been before they owned it.

Please do support the new site, whether you are an existing or previous owner of an XJS Cabriolet or an XJS Convertible (or are like me have both). If you have an interest and enthusiasm for the XJS Soft Top models you won’t feel excluded from this site.

If you wish to contact me, then please email

All the best,


I do hope that everyone will take an active part on this new Club website, and help spread the enthusiasm for the Jaguar XJS Soft Tops.


Article Published : 29th January 2017
Article written by : Laurence Jones