underneath cleaning.

  • This topic has 16 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Author
    • #2786
      John Bleasdale

        Although not a Cabriolet its very similar underneath base on an XJS platform

        Photo 381

      • #2797
        Laurence Jones

          Is that as new, or has it been restored to look as clean as that ?


        • #2814
          John Bleasdale

            No Laurence it’s original.I did just after I bought it 18 years ago have a Stainless Steel Exhaust fitted.MILTEC with a life time warranty. She just gets cleaned after every outing. Currently sat over the pit covered over until I am fit enough to drive again. My XJ-SC at 125,000 miles was just as good will dig out some photos.
            Cant get used to having to put photos into a gallery and make a note of their numbers before writing. Have never had to do this before.

            Photo 384

            Photo 385

            Photo 386

            Photo 390

          • #2821
            John Bleasdale

              Not sure what’s happened but have been an hour trying to get back in to the site even though I did not log off,Never mind here are a few photos of 92 HOT By the way I like the way you can edit your photos after posting them’

              Photo 396

              Photo 397

              Photo 395

              Photo 393

              Photo 398

            • #2832

                Really impressed with the engine bay of your XK8 – a great credit to you. I just wish I could get my XKR to that level, I am trying hard and already bought shares in WD40 company.
                How about an article on concours engine prep – I’m sure you wrote one for JEC years back that said something like ‘results only limited by number of cases of WD40 you can afford!’
                Maybe you have a copy somewhere? Apologies if I’m mistaken..


              • #2833
                John Bleasdale

                  No you are correct to a degree I did write an article in two parts.
                  But not sure where I could post it as it has photos inserted in it
                  I used to buy the WD bulk and put it into pump up spray guns.

                • #2905

                    There is a section in the new site for ‘Articles’ – presently one on folding soft top and another on data computer.
                    Just a thought..

                    I’ll maybe try and find articles in JEC archives as a refresher course would be useful for me.

                    I didn’t even know you could buy WD40 ‘not in a can’ – what sort of hand pump did you use?
                    Probably not cost effective for my usage levels but I’ll maybe look into bulk costs.

                  • #2907
                    John Bleasdale

                      Hi Woodsmoke
                      I have searched the archives and found the articles you mentioned it is in 2 parts I could always E mail you the originals.
                      I will just make adjustments to the dates It was written in 2008 I think.—-In October I was fit enough to potter around the garage I found all the pump up garden sprays had passed their sell by dates, So I replaced them with more up to date and smaller ones. I also decanted my bulk items into 5Ltr dispensers see photo of my cleaning corner,

                      Photo 434

                    • #2926

                        What an amazing collection! No wonder your cars are so spotless!

                        If you could email article that would be great, you have my blue yonder address.
                        Not sure how you add Articles but Laurence would know. Sure others would be interested as well as my anorak self!

                      • #2968
                        John Bleasdale

                          Hi Robin Right dependant on how keen you are to clean your car depends how much you are prepared to spend. This is what I call the starter kit circa £115.00 . Once I know it has loaded I will put a write up under the photographs/I bought the larger quantities 20Ltr not available on line. it’s up to you Red Thunder or Outrageous Orange. “READ INSTRUCTIONS” on all the products.
                          So you will need 4 spray’s 3 for the cleaning products 1 for clean water, WD 40 comes with spray gun.

                          Photo 450

                          This is the one I have used ever since it was available in UK £19.94
                          Photo 448

                          Some think this is better than Red Thunder but it was not around when I started £19.94
                          Photo 447

                          This product id un believable £23.79
                          Photo 449

                          Although expensive it’s brilliant £23.00
                          Photo 446

                          Normal Garden centre price £26.29 each Amazon £13.35 each looked after will last years.You need 4 I found an offer box of three +1
                          Photo 451

                          Much cheaper than the spray cans £22.25 5 Ltr’s + applicator
                          Not sure if this will work if not can you delete it please Laurence.
                          Worked great as EDIT working OK today,

                        • #2976
                          Laurence Jones

                            If any member would like to let me have content that can be made up into an article for everyone to read in the Articles Section then I’ll happily prepare the document on this site.

                            Just email your text and pictures to content@xjs-soft-tops.com

                          • #3002

                              Bleasie, yes after studying your picture I checked out sources last evening and ordered 5litres of WD40 and a Hoselock sprayer from Amazon. A lot cheaper than I expected..

                              I’m mainly concerned with getting my engine bay up to scratch and normally use a lot of WD40 aerosols previously.
                              Body & wheels I have some favourites already but will try the ‘ultra violet’ wash/wash instead of Autoglym too when weather improves.
                              Do you use Red Thunder for engine cleaning?

                              Thanks for all the details most appreciated.


                            • #3018
                              John Bleasdale

                                Click on the photos and all will be revealed

                                Photo 450

                              • #3030
                                Bryan Thomas

                                  This is underneath my cabriolet and how its needs to look for concourse events if you want to win

                                  Photo 457

                                • #3036
                                  John Bleasdale

                                    As always looking very good Bryan

                                  • #10844
                                    Gerard Harings

                                      ….i don’t have to win anything but for sure would get somewhere in the neighbourhood of your  cars Bryan Thomas ‍ and John Bleasdale

                                      ….a lot of effort love and elbow graese…


                                    • #10865

                                        I would love to get my XJS to this standard, but without an inspection pit and adequate lighting it is not going to happen. I am sure there will be someone out there that has done it with just standard ramps, but hey it must be very difficult to get the detail 100% correct.  I have said to my wife that I would only move house now if it had a double garage, so it gives me the scope to work on my car throughont the winter.


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