Laurence Jones

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 379 total)
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  • in reply to: Website Lock Out #20421
    Laurence Jones

      We also appear to have lost a number of the discussion topics and replies, which might have occurred when I had to restore some of the data  🙁


      in reply to: Discussion about Kees Hectors’s Car Album : #20391
      Laurence Jones

        Hi Kees,

        What a stunning colour, and I love that you have the wheel caps in matching colour.


        in reply to: XJSC Hard top #20390
        Laurence Jones

          Hello Peter – @PDT1966

          There are a number of members who do have the Hard Top so hopefully one or two will respond to your request for information.

          Do you know if you have all the necessary catches on the Hard Top itself, and the ones you need on the car – or is this some of the questions you have ?   I did have a hard top when I first had the car (but sold it on), and seem to recall you need to remove the soft top’s mechanism and replace it with a catch, but I stand to be corrected by someone who still has one.



          in reply to: Cabriolet Targa Panel Mechanism – Info for an Article #20387
          Laurence Jones

            Thanks Jim, I’ll add that to my article notes.


            in reply to: Club Tour of the Isle of Man 2023 #20324
            Laurence Jones

              Photo 2045

              At Heysham, waiting for the Ferry to the Isle of Man


              Photo 2044

              The whole Tour Group are lined up outside Castletown Town Hall, Isle of Man


              Photo 2043

              Castle Rushen, at Castletown


              Photo 2041
              Photo 2040

              Isle of Man Motor Museum


              Photo 2039

              The Laxey Wheel


              Photo 2037

              A seal sunbathing, at The Sound, Isle of Man


              Photo 2036
              Photo 2035

              On the ferry from the Isle of Man to Liverpool

              in reply to: Welcome Marco Laenens to our Club #20306
              Laurence Jones
                Laurence Jones

                  Hi Frank

                  Did you get any interest in these Targa Panels ?


                  in reply to: Looking for a pair of rear window rubbers for my Cabriolet #20230
                  Laurence Jones

                    Hello Perry

                    I have just 3 sets of the rear window rubbers available for sale (27th November 2022), and when these are sold there will be no more.

                    Click on this link to take. you to the Club Shop




                    Laurence Jones

                      Hi John,

                      Thanks for putting together such an informative Album about your Cabriolet.

                      I do like the fact that you say your aim is keeping the changes in period and tasteful, and from your descriptions and pictures I’d say you are doing that well.





                      in reply to: That Elusive Number #19931
                      Laurence Jones

                        Thanks Dean, I’ll make sure we’ve got those details recorded on the Cabriolet Register.


                        in reply to: Fuel on the floor #19929
                        Laurence Jones

                          Hi Dave

                          I’d agree with you regarding once the fuel pump was running and everything pressurised, as having had a fuel pipe split in the boot of my XJS, I can indeed confirm that you’d soon notice – a very large amount of fuel came out very quickly !!


                          Laurence Jones

                            Hi Wayne

                            That’s great to hear you’re really enjoying your car – hopefully you’ll be able to upload some photos and add them into a Car Album to let others see how it is coming together.


                            in reply to: American bumpers #19628
                            Laurence Jones

                              Hi Clas

                              I’m not sure if you received any answers to your question, as there has been some recent technical issues with the Club’s website (see separate discussion topic).

                              It is my understanding that you can indeed exchange the American bumper for the European, and vice versa – this being done when folks have imported cars in the past into Europe from America.



                              in reply to: XJ-SC Soft top bolts #19625
                              Laurence Jones

                                Hi Neal,

                                That is quite a find, well done you.

                                I will take a look at my Cabriolet to check for you.


                                in reply to: Forums – Upgrade #19361
                                Laurence Jones

                                  I’ve just written and added a brief article (Found Here) that gives some more detail about the changes that the Club’s website has undergone with the March 2022 release.


                                  in reply to: Do I require oil with ZDDP in it ? #19348
                                  Laurence Jones

                                    Welcome @dogbitefred.

                                    These forums are just the place to introduce yourself and ask questions if you have any 🙂

                                    Hopefully one of our Members will have the answer for you


                                    in reply to: XJS-C in South Africa! #19096
                                    Laurence Jones

                                      Hi @geoffconnor

                                      The Targa roof is in two sections, one over the drive and one over the passenger. There is a leaver on each targa panel, which you pull down and turn (this unlocks the targa panel). You need to remove the targa panels in the right order, as one overlaps the other.


                                      Laurence Jones

                                        Hi @tobr

                                        I think I read somewhere that the 4litre Convertible was only available with a manual gearbox option until 1987 when an automatic gearbox option was available. That might mean there were quite a few produced in the early years of production, but towards the end when yours was produced it might have been a lot lower with more folks going for the automatic.

                                        I’ll keep my eye out for some official statistics.


                                        in reply to: New Targa rubbers replacement #16643
                                        Laurence Jones

                                          Hi Colin,

                                          I think this discussion thread is a great idea.

                                          I’ve sketched out a draft instruction guide in our Articles area – New Targa rubbers replacement but it is strictly a work in progress guide. It will need to be updated with exactly the feedback that you’ve suggested is recorded here in this discussion thread – practical hands on answers from members who have undertaken his job.



                                          in reply to: targa rubbers ??? #16179
                                          Laurence Jones

                                            Hi Martin

                                            Do you know what sort of items this company undertakes to remanufacture ?


                                          Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 379 total)