Last year I bougth an XJS sold/delivered in Germany. It has the quad headlights option, like most cars delivered in the USA. Started working on it, found that some headlights have a broken glass. As I have bougth some new lights I’d like to mount them correctly and I am wondering which headlights contain the two bulbs and which one contains only one bulb. Mine has 4 dual bulb headlights, only the outer ones having 2 bulbs in place.
The question is thus, what is correct? Outer or inner lights having 2 bulbs?
Thank you.
I hope this may answer your question- I have a US car with four headlights. The outer headlamps have ONE bulb with TWO filaments, a high beam and a low beam. Three wire plug behind the lamp. The inner headlamps each have ONE bulb with ONE filament, high beam only. There is a two wire plug behind the lamp. Does this match what you have on your car?
No it doesn’t match exactly, but your explanation helps. In fact I have 4 headlights having each 2 holes, but on theouter ones I have two bulbs, and on the inner ones only 1 buld. Need to check which buld is the high or low beam though.