Reply To: Welcome new Cabriolet member – Kenneth Long

Kenneth Long

    Hi Laurence and members.  Thank you for the welcome.  I apologise for taking a while to respond… it is all a little crazy at the moment, as it is for everyone I guess.

    I found the club whilst google searching one evening.  There looks to be a wealth of great info here, a lot of which I wish I had discovered a couple of years ago when I purchased my XJSC.  My father actually purchased my car back in 1988.  It was his dream car and I think we were both very disappointed when he sold it.  I think it always regretted it.  A few years after he passed away I started to think that it was probably the only thing I could remember him spoiling himself with.  He normally put the family first at every turn.  This in mind I set about trying to track the car down.  After a number of unsuccessful attempts (due to privacy issues), I used some questionable tactics through acquaintances who have better access than me and got a name of the owner at the time.  A phone call to him out of the blue, and fortunate timing saw him offer to sell the car back to me.  A short flight with my mother and we had a 6 hour road trip back to Auckland and some great memories.  The car is great, but not perfect… yet.  I have plenty of time.  It will not be leaving my hands for as long as I am around.  Forgot to mention, I purchased the car back 21 years after he sold it!