Something a bit different on top
It happens to be the case that my 1985 Jaguar XJ-SC has, of my four XJS cars, cost the most to restore along the way and unfortuntely as at July 2017 is worth the least. Oh well such is life.
However my Cabriolet still isn’t finished being restored up to the standard I’ve tried to achieve with all the others as no attention has been given to the state of the Targa Tops and the rear hood. The best way to describe thier state was that they were intact and functional, but rather tatty around the edges with rips and tears here and there – though no leeks. I wanted to do something about the Targa panels especially, but didn’t want them to be re-covered and look very different from the hood’s material – this is when I hit upon the idea of painting them rather than re-covering them.
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Article written by : Laurence Jones